Intercâmbio Nova Zelândia – Diary #07

O depoimento de viagem a seguir tem como objetivo compartilhar a minha experiência de intercâmbio realizado em 2018 na Nova Zelândia. Na série de artigos chamada “Diary” contarei algumas coisas em inglês para praticar a minha escrita.

My speech on my last day at school

I made the best decision in my life when I decided to come to NZ.
Intercâmbio Nova Zelândia - Diary #07I thought It was about learning English but now I realise it’s about people who I had the opportunity to meet.
For example, Diego and Maria, they are like family for me. My best moments here I was with them.
Ryo and Takeshi are my best Japonese friends who I had a great time talking to in English. Thanks my grammar master.
When I arrived here my English it was terrible and today I have to say Thank you Mike, Brian, Sam, Simon and Irena. However I learned much more than just English from them. I’m very grateful becuase I had great moments with amazing people.
I’ll never forget this my experience in NZ. Specially because I found a cheerful womam who let me in love with her sweet smile and good heart.
Este artigo foi escrito por Júnior Gonçalves e apareceu primeiro em

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