My favorite photo

Atividade desenvolvida durante a aula de inglês na WorldWide English School.

My favorite photo

One of my favorite photos is this one of my mother.

I took the photo in 2015 when my mother was teaching me how to bake a carrot cake.

My favorite photo

We were alone at home and I said to her “Mum, can you teach me how to bake a carrot cake?”. She said “Yes!”. We were in the kitchen and when I took the photo she was outing carrot inside the blender. Then she went on to prepare the ingredients. Finally, we baked the cake. It was a wonderful day with her and I carry this photo with me everyday.

I love this photo because it was one of the last happy, memorable moments we shared together before she passed away.

I have the photo on my phone and on my personal blog.

My favorite photo

Este artigo foi escrito por Júnior Gonçalves e apareceu primeiro em

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